In My previous post i explained how to configure the Timezone.xml file to be ready for the "Winter time" of 2011, or if you want DST 2001 part 2.
In the previous post i was talking about how to move one hour ahead (for Example from GMT+2 to GMT+3)
in this post i'll show you how to revert the changes, and no - it's not deleting your old lines :-)
What we will do is set the Week number,day,hour of the change in the Timezone.xml file So SharePoint will know when to change the Clock.
One thing i want to make clear - SharePoint does not look at the OS clock for changes - that's the reason we need to change the file - look at it as a sort of an internal clock.
Before we begin, some guideline :
1.before you change the XML files on you servers - BACK THEM UP!, if there is a mistake in the file the server will not show results correctly. (trust me iv'e been there :-))
2.After changing the file you need to Restart your IIS.
3. the file must be changed on all the servers in the Farm, yes...including back-End Servers.
4.tested on MOSS 2007 SP2 and SharePoint 2010 SP1 June CU.
5.This post shows my work - if you decide to do it on your own Farm i suggest you start in a test environment by changing the date to after the DST changes (which is on 2/10/2011 - 02:00 AM) and create something - it should show you that the date created is 1 hour back than your current time.
Step 1
we will need to add
<TimeZone ID="27" Name="(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem" Hidden="FALSE">
Step 2you will need to copy the text from step 1 and change it a bit.
First remove the history tags, then change the numbers you see under the Standard Time tag ass following :
**short Explanation -
9 stands for the month
5 Stands for the week of the month (yes week not day like the XML says)
2 stands for the hour when the change will occur
6 - Stands for the Day of the week.
Step 3
After changing the Timezone.xml files on all of you farm servers, and after you restarted the IIS - you are all done :-)
Feel free to ask questions, i didn't get it to work the first time either ;-)
Id'e like to take this chance to thank a college of mine name Roi Kolbinger who helped me this year also to figure things out. Thanks Roi !